Holly says that you’ve got to have rules. There’s a podcast I love, called First Draft with Sarah Enni, and there’s an episode where Sarah quotes Holly Black. The thing about writing fantasy, as countless authors have said and will continue to say, is that there are rules. Where’s the Latin? Where, I beg you, is the Latin?!) The kind with badly-placed facial hair and sunglasses surgically fused to his face, and not for sun sensitivity reasons. And what kind of a name is Craig Bowker? The name of a Bachelor contestant, that’s what. I’m not entirely sure what to say about that, but I will attempt some sort of effort. No bitterness toward the people only the thing.

I mean them no disrespect in any way, no matter how vehemently I dislike this iteration of their work.

Rowling has been my writing guru since I was six, and I’m sure that Jack Thorne and John Tiffany are wonderful human beings. Just a disclaimer to say that while the views below are my own, J.K.